A Cheetah's Journey to Recovery
During one of my photography workshops in South Africa, while observing and capturing images of Khatu, a cheetah mother with her year-old cubs, I noticed in the distance that one of the young was injured. It was camouflaged in the grass, adorned with thousands of yellow wildflowers, blending in seamlessly.
I've waited for the young male to rise, then I took a photograph to show the rangers the extent of the injury. Quickly downloading the image from my camera, we sent it to the reserve manager and the team of veterinarians. With sunset approaching, the operation would have to wait until the following day.
As the sun rose, we began scouring the reserve. The cheetahs were deep in the dense bush, unreachable. An entire day passed, waiting for them to move, but with no luck. Time was running out as the cub's wound was severe, and his life was at risk.
Fortunately, the next day, around mid-morning, we located them. With the entire veterinary team led by Dr. William Fowlds, we ventured into the South African bush and reached the injured cheetah. It was a surreal situation for me and my students, surrounded by the cub's siblings and mother, as he lay sedated before us, ready for surgery.
We witnessed the entire operation, a moment I will never forget. A gentle stroke on the paw and fingers crossed for the recovery of that magnificent animal.
Now healed, he is in top form, stronger than ever. To commemorate this experience on my skin, I've had a tattoo done depicting the young cheetah, with a scar on his left side.
This experience was so special to me, I met those young cheetahs when they were 3 months naughty and adorable cubs. Knowing that I manage to help saving one of the from sure death, makes it one of the most incredible and unbelievable memories of my entire life.